UNIT partners would like to express our warmest appreciation to all who joined us during our holiday party. This year we chose to support the San Francisco Arts Education Project by asking our guests to bring art supplies to the party. As with past years the party was a huge success and the generosity of our friends, colleagues, and clients was unsurpassed.


The collected art supplies will be used to support the Artist-in-Residence programs in the San Francisco public schools. In fact, many of the supplies will be used for an upcoming exhibition, INTERNATIONAL ORANGE: The Bridge Re-imagined, an official event of the Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary celebration.


We would like to thank all of our wonderful guests once again for making our holiday party a huge success and for their generosity in providing art supplies.


We wish all the future artists a world of success as they explore their creative visions.


Learn more about the San Francisco Arts Education Project by visiting http://www.sfartsed.org/.


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