GIVN Water


GIVN wanted to appeal to altruistic millenials, and more clearly communicate their complex product offering. Their premium water is bottled at the source, and is comprised of the best pH and alkaline balance naturally available – almost identical to Fiji Water. For each bottle of water purchased, they donate the cost of water an individual needs for a single day in a developing country. They partner with reputable charities building wells and other water resources in those countries.


UNIT developed brand pillars and tone to cater to their millennial target audience who are looking for simple and transparent ways to give. We simplified their message to “1 bottle gives 1 day” of clean water to someone in need. We helped establish their tagline “seriously good,” to communicate their seriously good water quality and seriously good cause. Icons and graphics were developed to help visually tell their multifaceted giving story. The packaging gradient extends throughout the brand as a feel-good gesture, while also allowing for easy product flavor extensions with additional gradients.


UNIT’s updated design made retailers take the water company more seriously – helping increase sales a whopping 300%! The new packaging, along with renewed marketing efforts, gave GIVN a national presence in stores like Jamba Juice, and more.


GIVN Water


GIVN wanted to appeal to altruistic millenials, and more clearly communicate their complex product offering. Their premium water is bottled at the source, and is comprised of the best pH and alkaline balance naturally available – almost identical to Fiji Water. For each bottle of water purchased, they donate the cost of water an individual needs for a single day in a developing country. They partner with reputable charities building wells and other water resources in those countries.


UNIT developed brand pillars and tone to cater to their millennial target audience who are looking for simple and transparent ways to give. We simplified their message to “1 bottle gives 1 day” of clean water to someone in need. We helped establish their tagline “seriously good,” to communicate their seriously good water quality and seriously good cause. Icons and graphics were developed to help visually tell their multifaceted giving story. The packaging gradient extends throughout the brand as a feel-good gesture, while also allowing for easy product flavor extensions with additional gradients.


UNIT’s updated design made retailers take the water company more seriously – helping increase sales a whopping 300%! The new packaging, along with renewed marketing efforts, gave GIVN a national presence in stores like Jamba Juice, and more.